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Even though collagen is commonly associated with the skin and its elasticity, it is the basic component of the connective tissue. Collagen forms joints, bones, ligaments, tendons, blood vessels, intervertebral discs, teeth, eyeball, hair, nails among others. After the age of 25, the production of young collagen slows down, resulting in appearance of first wrinkles and lines. With age, the process of collagen destruction starts to predominate over its regeneration. The body begins to age distinctly as it lacks the structural component necessary to repair ongoing damages. Thanks to its valuable features and extremely important function, collagen is continuously the focus of attention of doctors, biologists, and cosmetologists.
Collagen deficiencies can be supplemented by Salmon Collagen whose main ingredient is lyophilized tropocollagen derived from salmon fish skin, which includes alpha-1 and alpha-2 chains almost identical to those found in humans. It provides the body with free amino acids and takes an active part in cell regeneration.